Tag: Wealth

Under the Hood of Risk and Exposure (Ep. 54)

Under the Hood of Risk and Exposure (Ep. 54)

Have you ever wondered how to differentiate between risk and exposure when it comes to your investments? 

This week, Corey Heimensen in a new episode of The WIN Podcast, explores the crucial distinctions between risk and exposure in the realm of financial planning. He dives into the importance of understanding these concepts and examines the mindset for mitigating risks and managing exposure to ensure a secure financial future.

Corey discusses:

  • Understanding the fundamental difference between risk and exposure in financial planning
  • Exploring the significance of managing exposure to potential risks in investments
  • Strategies for quantifying and assessing the magnitude of outcomes in financial decision-making
  • The role of professional guidance in navigating the complexities of investment risks and exposure
  • And more!


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The 3 Curse Words from Corey’s Book (Ep. 46)

The 3 Curse Words from Corey’s Book (Ep. 46)

Religion, politics, and money are three words that often produce strong emotions and opinions in people. 

These words are also closely connected in many aspects of our lives, from our social interactions to our economic decisions. 

How do we navigate these controversial topics in a respectful, informed, and beneficial way?

In this episode, Corey Heimensen analyzes three powerful words: Religion, Politics, and Money from his book “Stop Doing Dumb Things With Your Money.” Corey uses these words to describe the importance of making informed financial decisions, the power of faith in investing, and the significance of enjoying one’s wealth. Additionally, Corey also emphasizes the importance of education and shares how crucial it is to be optimistic in life. 

Corey discusses:

  • The concept of faith and how it relates to investing and relationships
  • The relationship between optimism and happiness
  • The significance of being an opportunist and seizing opportunities
  • The importance of spending and enjoying money and assets
  • The long-standing tradition of avoiding discussions about politics
  • And more!



Connect with Corey Heimensen:

Succession – Streaming and in Real Life (Ep. 42)

Succession – Streaming and in Real Life (Ep. 42)

The long-term success of a business depends on how smoothly it transitions from one generation to the next.

Therefore, having a well-designed succession strategy is crucial.

What other factors should we consider?

In this episode, Corey Heimensen tackles the topic of succession for families and business owners. Corey relates the series “Succession” aired on HBO to real life, and talks about the importance of having a solid plan and effective communication, along with the need to involve your family in the process.

Corey discusses:

  • The TV series “Succession” and how it relates to real succession stories 
  • The challenges faced by family-owned businesses in transitioning from one generation to the next
  • The need for effective communication in the succession planning process
  • The process at Heimensen Wealth when it comes to succession planning
  • Why it is important to prepare someone before taking over a business
  • The significance of having difficult conversations during the succession process
  • And more!



Connect with Corey Heimensen:

Lyrical Finance (Ep. 41)

Lyrical Finance (Ep. 41)

The worlds of music and finance often intersect in life. 

This intersection can offer a valuable perspective to explore our connection with money, happiness, and the pursuit of our aspirations.

In this episode, Corey Heimensen and Aric Johnson play a game where they relate song lyrics to finances and life as a fun tribute to Aric’s enjoyment of music for his last episode on the podcast.

Additionally, Aric shares about his next venture with Boys Town in Omaha to work with at-risk youth. Corey says goodbye to Aric and welcomes his new producer, Bill Tucker.

Corey and Aric share:

  • The idea that money can not buy love, but can provide security and joy
  • The concept of inheritance and the importance of not spending it, but creating a legacy
  • The lyrics of the song “Working for the Weekend” by Loverboy and the concept of living paycheck to paycheck
  • The lyrics of the song “Billionaire” by Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy, focusing on the concept of having material wealth and the importance of having a realistic plan
  • The complications and challenges that come with accumulating wealth 
  • The importance of setting goals and saving a portion of your pay to reach those goals
  • And more!


Connect with Corey Heimensen:

Seven things you should ask a Financial Advisor (Ep. 11)

Seven things you should ask a Financial Advisor (Ep. 11)

When looking for a financial advisor, you want to make sure they have your best interests in mind.

That’s why it’s important to ask advisors questions while vetting them to see if they will be a good fit for you. 

In this episode, Corey Heimensen outlines the seven questions you should ask any financial advisor before becoming a client. Along with what would happen to your account if your advisor couldn’t fulfill their duties.

Corey discusses:

  • The importance of finding an advisor who knows how to explain and break down complex financial concepts such as how they’re compensated 
  • the value of ensuring your advisor is a fiduciary
  • Why splitting your accounts between several advisors is a bad idea
  • And more!


Connect with Corey Heimensen: