Tag: Enjoying Life

Artificial Intelligence Bucket List (Ep. 55)

Artificial Intelligence Bucket List (Ep. 55)

Are you enjoying the money you’ve worked hard for or are you just saving it? 

This is an important question to ask ourselves at any point in life, as time is a precious commodity that we can never get back. It’s better to live our lives with responsibility while enjoying it. 

So, who can assist us in achieving this?

Join Corey Heimensen on The WIN Podcast as he explores the importance of valuing experiences over accumulating wealth. Corey mentions the potential of AI in personalizing bucket list adventures and emphasizes the importance of personalizing financial planning and preparing for life’s uncertainties.

Corey discusses:

  • The importance of enjoying the money you’ve worked hard for and the experiences it can provide
  • Comparing family vacation AI suggestions for different life stages: from theme parks to sophisticated international getaways
  • The role of a financial advisor in providing personalized guidance and weighing the pros and cons of financial decisions
  • The necessity of balancing spending on experiences with saving for the future and unexpected expenses
  • And more!


Connect with Corey Heimensen:

Parallels (Ep. 33)

Parallels (Ep. 33)

Throughout our lives, we will always be “in between” periods.

During these, we will face many struggles and points where our decision-making will be crucial for our success. We have to make the best of situations by focusing on “What’s Important Now”.

In this episode, Corey Heimensen plays a card game called “Yablon” (also known as “Red Dog” or “In Between”) to demonstrate the parallels between the game and life decision-making, particularly in finance. Corey chats about the concept of being “in-between” life events and the importance of planning and enjoying life.

Corey discusses:

  • The game Yablon (also known as Red Dog or In Between)
  • What Yablon teaches us about decision-making, risk management, diversification, risk-return in finance, and life in general
  • How decision-making is crucial for life
  • The importance of enjoying life and having fun experiences without stressing about the next hurdle
  • And more!


Connect with Corey Heimensen: